Fourth Quarter: Applying Those Skills

Conducted by Amanda Phrasavath

  • First Down: Start reducing or even eliminating alcohol from your diet so that your lady can stick to this commitment too
    • Start by replacing a drink with a non-alcoholic option at least once per week
    • Gradually increase the number of times you replace those beers and other drinks every week so that majority of the time you are drinking healthier options, like water. Help keep your lady on track and saving some money too!
  • Second Down: If haven’t started already, go with her to her prenatal doctor visits. Ask questions about breastfeeding that you or your lovely lady may not know about yet, such as:
    • How often should she be breastfeeding?
    • What are some struggles she might face with breastfeeding?
    • How can I, as a father, help with breastfeeding?
    • How can I bond with baby like my partner can?
    • And anything else that comes to mind!
  • Third Down: Start making meal plans with your lady so that you can make meals you both like! Grilled options are one of the healthiest options for preparing meals. Since you’ll be feeding for more than the two of you soon, mastering those grilling skills will be a plus! Healthy eating doesn’t stop after birth. A healthy diet affects what’s in the breast milk you and your lady will feed your baby.

  • Fourth Down: Start looking into purchasing breast pumps. These are a great way to save time and give you an opportunity to feed your little one (without the use of formula). When you have free time during the day or when she’s sleeping, start bookmarking breast pumps that are within your price range. Look up reviews and see which one will fit your place best. Ask your mom! Ask your bros with little ones! Do your best to make the most out of your breastfeeding experience. You can easily find them while shopping at Target or in between game day commercials on Amazon.

Are you interested in trying out the breastfeeding experience? Check out a breastfeeding simulator! It provides you and your partner with a hands-free breastfeeding. Here are some snapshots of past participants demonstrating various feeding positions you could try or show to your partner!