Kick-Off to Breastfeeding

Conducted by Pachelle Battie

          Has your lady decided to breastfeed and forced you to learn more about breastfeeding? Or maybe you want to learn more information about breastfeeding to convince your partner to breastfeed? Either way, this is the site for you!          
          Breastfeeding Fathers Forever offers a six week online course that will provide you with all the information you need to know in order to play an active role in the breastfeeding process.

Before you begin this course here are some questions to ponder upon:
  • What is breastfeeding?
  • Who does breastfeeding involve?
  • Why should moms breastfeed?
  • Were you or any of your siblings breastfed as a child?

Below are terms related to breastfeeding that every father should be familiar with:
  • Breastfeeding: a mother providing nutrient rich milk to a baby from her breast.
    • Breastfeeding is an intimate process between a mother and child but fathers are encouraged to offer support to mothers.
  • Areola: The darker skinned area around the nipple of a breast.
  • Engorgement: swelling and enlargement of the breasts.
  • Lactation: producing and secreting milk.
  • Oxytocin: A hormone produced in the brain that is released during nipple stimulation and it causes milk release (ejection) and uterine contractions.
  • Casein: protein found in milk.
  • Colostrum: A sticky white or yellow fluid secreted by the breasts during the second half of pregnancy and for a few days after birth, before breast milk comes in.
    • It is high in protective antibodies that boost the newborn's immune system.
  • Foremilk: Low-fat milk that comes from the breast first during breastfeeding or pumping.
  • Hindmilk: Higher-fat milk that comes during the latter portion a breastfeeding or pumping as they become more drained.