Third Quarter: How Dudes Like You Can Help

Conducted by Carleigh Fales

  • Be a cheerleader: Providing emotional support during this time is very important. Offer encouragement and show appreciation. Doing so will motivate mom to tough it out through this difficult time and she’ll remember that you were loving and supportive. 
  • Give suggestions on positioning: Since you see the mother and baby from a different angle than the mother, you can offer some suggestions on different positions. Maybe you could even add a pillow here or there. This makes it more comfortable for mommy!
  • Help momma relax: give her a shoulder or foot rub. Bring her a glass of water, whip her up something to eat, or even draw a bath for her when she’s done feeding. When the mother is relaxed the milk will let down easier. So, in this case, you are helping mother and baby. Plus, you’ll get brownie points from mommy!
  • You can feed the baby too: after 3 to 4 weeks, mom can start pumping milk. This gives mom a break and gives you the chance to bond with your baby while feeding him or her. 
  • Bring the stress level down: Doing things around the house will take the weight off mom’s shoulders. Every little bit helps!
  • Become a team: Since momma is breastfeeding, you should take up your own activity with the baby. Whether it’s giving the baby a bath or putting the baby to sleep, you’re being helpful and mommy and daddy are becoming a great team. Go team!