Second Quarter: Nutritional Guidelines For Your Lady

Conducted by Samantha Brim

It is very important that a predominantly healthy diet be kept before and during breastfeeding. Nutrients are carried to your baby and affect them. Calories should only increase by about 450-500 a day. Wondering what foods for your lady should eat while breastfeeding? Check out this list! And look forward to meal plans in a later module.

Daily Amount:
  • Protein: 6 ½ ounces Lean meats, eggs, beans, lentils
  • Vegetables: 3 cups Green and leafy
  • Fruits: 2 cups Eat a variety of colors
  • Grains: 8 ounces Whole grains
  • Dairy: 3 cups Consider skim milk

Daily nutrient goals:
  • Calcium Intake: 1,300 milligrams (mg) a day. Example: 1 cup of milk or yogurt has 300 mgs. Example foods: milk, yogurt, hard cheese, calcium fortified juice, calcium fortified tofu.
  • Iron Intake: If your partner is under 18 years old- 10 mg a day. If your partner is over 19 years old- 9 mg a day. Example Foods: meat, poultry, seafood, dried beans, dried fruit, egg yolks.
  • Vitamin C intake: 120 mg a day. Example foods: Citrus fruits, broccoli, cantaloupe, potato, bell peppers, tomato, kiwi, cauliflower, cabbage.

Food to EAT while breastfeeding:
  • Eating a variety of foods will change the flavor of your partner’s milk and help your baby become accustomed to solid foods down the road
  • We suggest to drink a glass of water/ or a close beverage every time she breastfeeds
  • Have your partner take a daily prenatal will help ensure baby also receives vitamins

Foods to AVOID while breastfeeding:
  • Alcohol: try to reduce or stop drinking while breastfeeding
  • Caffeine: limit yourself to 2 to 3 cups of caffeinated drinks a day. Caffeine could agitate or disturb babies sleep cycle.
  • Fish: Fish too rich in Omega 3’s could harm baby's developing nervous system.
    • Limit to 12 ounces per week ( salmon, shrimp, tuna, trout, tilapia, catfish, crab, and scallops)
  • Limit saturated fats and trans fat in diet
  • Limit foods that are exposed to PESTICIDES. Try organic fruit and vegetables, and wash thoroughly.
    • Highest known for pesticides: Apples, celery, strawberries, peaches, spinach, potatoes, blueberries, and kale.
    • Lowest known for pesticides: Corn, pineapples, avocados, asparagus, mangoes, eggplant, kiwi, cabbage, watermelon, grapefruit, and mushrooms. 

Extra tips for your lady:
  • Choose produce in season in your area
  • For meat choose lean, remove skin and fat as pesticides residue could be stored
  • Consider filtered water
  • When breastfeeding, should consume 16 cups of fluids a day
  • Don’t try limiting calories until 2 months, it could harm your milk supply
  • Healthy “fats”= canola oil, olive oil, fatty fish (salmon), as well as avocados, olives, nuts and seeds
  • Eating a mix of carbohydrates, protein and fat at meals keeps you feeling full longer and supplies your body with more nutrients