Overview of B.F.F

Dad don't pout, tell mom to whip that breast out!

          Breastfeeding Fathers Forever strives to educate fathers on the benefits of breastfeeding, since tits are not just for pleasure. Dads like you have an important role in supporting your ladies through their experiences with breastfeeding. B.F.F hopes make dads feel more inclusive in raising their kids, so that you have strong family bonds forever.

Play-by-Play Outline:
  1. Week 1: Kick-Off to Breastfeeding
    • Questions to ask yourself
    • Breastfeeding terms
  2. Week 2: First Quarter: Benefits of Breastfeeding
    • Benefits for the baby
    • Benefits for the mother
  3. Week 3: Second Quarter: Nutritional Guidelines For Your Lady
    • Daily nutrient goals
    • Foods to eat while breastfeeding
    • Food to avoid while breastfeeding
    • Extra tips for your lady
  4. Week 4: Half-time Show
    • Educational video
  5. Week 5: How Dudes Like You Can Help
    • Being a cheerleader
    • Suggesting positioning
    • Helping momma relax
    • Feeding the baby
  6. Week 6: Applying Those Skills
    • Eliminating alcohol from your diet
    • Going to doctor visits
    • Making meal plans
    • Purchasing breast pumps
    • Bonus! Simulating the breastfeeding experience

Our goals for you:
  1. By the end of this 6 week program, you guys will be able to list at least nutritional 3 benefits (for your little one) of breastfeeding. 
  2. By the end of this 6 week program, you guys will be able to list at least 3 benefits (for your lady) of breastfeeding. 
  3. By the end of this 6 week program, you guys will be able to identify 3 major nutrients that breastfeeding ladies should consume. 
  4. By the end of this 6 week program, you guys will be able to identify at least 3 foods that your ladies should not consume while breastfeeding.
  5. By the end of this 6 week program, you guys will be able to state at least 3 things that you can do to help your breastfeeding partner. 

Our Mission and Our Strategies

Our Mission

          Breastfeeding Fathers Forever (B.F.F) is a company that strives to educate fathers (and future fathers!) about the nutritional benefits of breastfeeding, as well as nutritional guidelines that your ladies should follow to give mom and little ones the maximal benefits of breastfeeding. B.F.F is comprised of a team of both guys and gals from the University of Florida (Gainesville, FL) who are passionate about nutrition education, particularly targeting new fathers. This organization solely exists for fathers who want to learn more about breastfeeding. We offer an online 6-week program that is free for any guy who wants to learn! We are targeting expecting fathers whether they are expecting a baby in 6 months or 6 years!

Our Strategies

          This program is needed because most breastfeeding programs are targeted toward women, not men. It is important for fathers to know why breastfeeding is important for both the mother and baby so that he can be supportive of his partner. This program is unique because it is targeted solely toward fathers and expectant fathers. Most programs are either geared toward mothers or mothers and fathers, but B. F. F. is for fathers only! Our agency staff have taken on this program voluntarily because we feel that fathers play a vital role in breastfeeding that is mostly overlooked because they are not the supplier of milk. Your role in breastfeeding is mainly supportive and this is very important for both your lady and baby. We are very excited to communicate what we know to the fathers participating in this program so that they can be fully competent in their role as supporter! We expect to have and accommodate 15-20 participants every 6 weeks. 
          There are many benefits from registering for our program and sticking with it until the end! By being a part of our program, you are qualified to receive a FREE TANK TOPS AND KOOZIE, raffles for free one year membership to local gym, and raffles for free "baby care package" for you family.
          To keep you around, we will be sure to keep the program fun and interactive. If participants complete the program, they will receive a $50 gift card to "Babies R Us" and B. F. F. completion certificate! We will ensure that you stick around by monitoring our progress through the use of evaluation surveys that you will receive through the email you registered with. We will also have skills sessions that will include meal planning and demonstrative how-to breastfeeding. We will evaluate retentions rates and your feedback in order to implement the results for future programs. Thanks to your survey feedback, we will keep B.F.F in the best shape up to Gator Nation standards.

Register for B.F.F

Kick-Off to Breastfeeding

Conducted by Pachelle Battie

          Has your lady decided to breastfeed and forced you to learn more about breastfeeding? Or maybe you want to learn more information about breastfeeding to convince your partner to breastfeed? Either way, this is the site for you!          
          Breastfeeding Fathers Forever offers a six week online course that will provide you with all the information you need to know in order to play an active role in the breastfeeding process.

Before you begin this course here are some questions to ponder upon:
  • What is breastfeeding?
  • Who does breastfeeding involve?
  • Why should moms breastfeed?
  • Were you or any of your siblings breastfed as a child?

Below are terms related to breastfeeding that every father should be familiar with:
  • Breastfeeding: a mother providing nutrient rich milk to a baby from her breast.
    • Breastfeeding is an intimate process between a mother and child but fathers are encouraged to offer support to mothers.
  • Areola: The darker skinned area around the nipple of a breast.
  • Engorgement: swelling and enlargement of the breasts.
  • Lactation: producing and secreting milk.
  • Oxytocin: A hormone produced in the brain that is released during nipple stimulation and it causes milk release (ejection) and uterine contractions.
  • Casein: protein found in milk.
  • Colostrum: A sticky white or yellow fluid secreted by the breasts during the second half of pregnancy and for a few days after birth, before breast milk comes in.
    • It is high in protective antibodies that boost the newborn's immune system.
  • Foremilk: Low-fat milk that comes from the breast first during breastfeeding or pumping.
  • Hindmilk: Higher-fat milk that comes during the latter portion a breastfeeding or pumping as they become more drained.

First Quarter: Benefits of Breastfeeding

Conducted by Rachel Martin

Breastfeeding has countless benefits for not only the baby, but also the mother!

Here are some benefits for the baby:
  • Overall better health
  • Long term protection against chronic conditions, such as type I diabetes, celiac disease and Crohn’s disease
  • Lower SIDS risk (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Breastfeeding cuts an infant’s risk of SIDS in half
  • Breastfeeding reduces a baby’s risk for some childhood cancers, such as childhood leukemia
  • Some research has concluded that breastfed babies have higher IQ scores
Here are some benefits for the mother:
  • Breastfeeding burns extra calories so it helps the mother get back to her pre-pregnancy weight faster
  • Breastfeeding also releases a hormone called oxytocin that helps the uterus to shrink back to its pre-pregnancy size and helps to stop uterine bleeding
  • Breastfeeding releases a different hormone called estrogen which reduces the risk of the mother developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer

Second Quarter: Nutritional Guidelines For Your Lady

Conducted by Samantha Brim

It is very important that a predominantly healthy diet be kept before and during breastfeeding. Nutrients are carried to your baby and affect them. Calories should only increase by about 450-500 a day. Wondering what foods for your lady should eat while breastfeeding? Check out this list! And look forward to meal plans in a later module.

Daily Amount:
  • Protein: 6 ½ ounces Lean meats, eggs, beans, lentils
  • Vegetables: 3 cups Green and leafy
  • Fruits: 2 cups Eat a variety of colors
  • Grains: 8 ounces Whole grains
  • Dairy: 3 cups Consider skim milk

Daily nutrient goals:
  • Calcium Intake: 1,300 milligrams (mg) a day. Example: 1 cup of milk or yogurt has 300 mgs. Example foods: milk, yogurt, hard cheese, calcium fortified juice, calcium fortified tofu.
  • Iron Intake: If your partner is under 18 years old- 10 mg a day. If your partner is over 19 years old- 9 mg a day. Example Foods: meat, poultry, seafood, dried beans, dried fruit, egg yolks.
  • Vitamin C intake: 120 mg a day. Example foods: Citrus fruits, broccoli, cantaloupe, potato, bell peppers, tomato, kiwi, cauliflower, cabbage.

Food to EAT while breastfeeding:
  • Eating a variety of foods will change the flavor of your partner’s milk and help your baby become accustomed to solid foods down the road
  • We suggest to drink a glass of water/ or a close beverage every time she breastfeeds
  • Have your partner take a daily prenatal will help ensure baby also receives vitamins

Foods to AVOID while breastfeeding:
  • Alcohol: try to reduce or stop drinking while breastfeeding
  • Caffeine: limit yourself to 2 to 3 cups of caffeinated drinks a day. Caffeine could agitate or disturb babies sleep cycle.
  • Fish: Fish too rich in Omega 3’s could harm baby's developing nervous system.
    • Limit to 12 ounces per week ( salmon, shrimp, tuna, trout, tilapia, catfish, crab, and scallops)
  • Limit saturated fats and trans fat in diet
  • Limit foods that are exposed to PESTICIDES. Try organic fruit and vegetables, and wash thoroughly.
    • Highest known for pesticides: Apples, celery, strawberries, peaches, spinach, potatoes, blueberries, and kale.
    • Lowest known for pesticides: Corn, pineapples, avocados, asparagus, mangoes, eggplant, kiwi, cabbage, watermelon, grapefruit, and mushrooms. 

Extra tips for your lady:
  • Choose produce in season in your area
  • For meat choose lean, remove skin and fat as pesticides residue could be stored
  • Consider filtered water
  • When breastfeeding, should consume 16 cups of fluids a day
  • Don’t try limiting calories until 2 months, it could harm your milk supply
  • Healthy “fats”= canola oil, olive oil, fatty fish (salmon), as well as avocados, olives, nuts and seeds
  • Eating a mix of carbohydrates, protein and fat at meals keeps you feeling full longer and supplies your body with more nutrients

Half-time Show

Third Quarter: How Dudes Like You Can Help

Conducted by Carleigh Fales

  • Be a cheerleader: Providing emotional support during this time is very important. Offer encouragement and show appreciation. Doing so will motivate mom to tough it out through this difficult time and she’ll remember that you were loving and supportive. 
  • Give suggestions on positioning: Since you see the mother and baby from a different angle than the mother, you can offer some suggestions on different positions. Maybe you could even add a pillow here or there. This makes it more comfortable for mommy!
  • Help momma relax: give her a shoulder or foot rub. Bring her a glass of water, whip her up something to eat, or even draw a bath for her when she’s done feeding. When the mother is relaxed the milk will let down easier. So, in this case, you are helping mother and baby. Plus, you’ll get brownie points from mommy!
  • You can feed the baby too: after 3 to 4 weeks, mom can start pumping milk. This gives mom a break and gives you the chance to bond with your baby while feeding him or her. 
  • Bring the stress level down: Doing things around the house will take the weight off mom’s shoulders. Every little bit helps!
  • Become a team: Since momma is breastfeeding, you should take up your own activity with the baby. Whether it’s giving the baby a bath or putting the baby to sleep, you’re being helpful and mommy and daddy are becoming a great team. Go team!

Fourth Quarter: Applying Those Skills

Conducted by Amanda Phrasavath

  • First Down: Start reducing or even eliminating alcohol from your diet so that your lady can stick to this commitment too
    • Start by replacing a drink with a non-alcoholic option at least once per week
    • Gradually increase the number of times you replace those beers and other drinks every week so that majority of the time you are drinking healthier options, like water. Help keep your lady on track and saving some money too!
  • Second Down: If haven’t started already, go with her to her prenatal doctor visits. Ask questions about breastfeeding that you or your lovely lady may not know about yet, such as:
    • How often should she be breastfeeding?
    • What are some struggles she might face with breastfeeding?
    • How can I, as a father, help with breastfeeding?
    • How can I bond with baby like my partner can?
    • And anything else that comes to mind!
  • Third Down: Start making meal plans with your lady so that you can make meals you both like! Grilled options are one of the healthiest options for preparing meals. Since you’ll be feeding for more than the two of you soon, mastering those grilling skills will be a plus! Healthy eating doesn’t stop after birth. A healthy diet affects what’s in the breast milk you and your lady will feed your baby.

  • Fourth Down: Start looking into purchasing breast pumps. These are a great way to save time and give you an opportunity to feed your little one (without the use of formula). When you have free time during the day or when she’s sleeping, start bookmarking breast pumps that are within your price range. Look up reviews and see which one will fit your place best. Ask your mom! Ask your bros with little ones! Do your best to make the most out of your breastfeeding experience. You can easily find them while shopping at Target or in between game day commercials on Amazon.

Are you interested in trying out the breastfeeding experience? Check out a breastfeeding simulator! It provides you and your partner with a hands-free breastfeeding. Here are some snapshots of past participants demonstrating various feeding positions you could try or show to your partner!

End of Course Questionnaire

Promotional Items

Contact our staff to place an order!
     BFF Tank                                                                                                               BFF T-Shirt
     $15.00                                                                                                                     $15.00

     BFF Longsleeve                                                                                                  BFF Hoodie
     $20.00                                                                                                                    $30.00

                    BFF Koozie                                                                           BFF Cap
                    $5.00                                                                                       $15.00

Our Staff

Amanda Phrasavath: Application Specialist/Website Editor

Amber Rodgers: Breastfeeding Advocate, Recent Mother

Bobby Holsombach: Content Editor

Carleigh Fales: Outreach Coordinator

Joe Gabriel: Family Counselor

Pachelle Battie: Lactation Specialist

Rachel Martin: Breastfeeding Counselor

Samantha Brim: Nutrition Specialist